Representing over 15,000 IBEW Utility Workers in New York State, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Utility Labor Council of New York Electric Gas & Steam, is made up of 18 IBEW Local Unions. They lobby and advocate for laws and regulation that ensures the safety of utility workers across New York State. The Utility Labor Council is a voice for utility workers in government, and they stride to work with New York's elected leadership to find reasonable solutions to New York's energy solvency issue. Understanding that energy technologies are constantly changing, the Utility Labor Council works to train and re-train New York's utility workforce and create and maintain good jobs. The Utility Labor Council cares about the communities in which they work and live, so they are an active partner in developing green, clean energy. The Utility Labor Council is based in Albany, New York. Click here to sign up for their public-facing newsletter The Utility Labor Report.