UCOMM Client the IBEW Utility Labor Council of New York held their Annual Lobby Day at the State Capitol in Albany New York. IBEW members from around the state joined together to discuss a number of important bills including a bill extending carbon credits to nuclear power plants and expanding health, safety and employment rights to help those who would be affected by the closing of nuclear power plants. UCOMM joined the effort and produced professional looking pocket folders to give to the legislators and their staff. These packets included important information on the organization and the bills that they were urged to support. "It is important to leave the legislators with eye catching imagery so that they remember your visit," said Kris LaGrange. "Professional folders and handouts, that are union printed, helps your lobby team and the rank and file gather their thoughts, keeps them on message and assists them in changing the hearts and minds of the politicians they are lobbying." If your lobby visits have not been productive and your materials are not being read by your respective lawmakers, contact UCOMM before your next Lobby Day visit and see how a professional Lobby Day package can work for you.